
Not dangerous for dogs and cats, but some animals may have lactose intolerance

Kefir for Dogs

Kefir is often recommended for dogs with digestive issues. It contains probiotics that promote a healthier gastrointestinal tract. Kefir can help alleviate constipation or restore gut flora after antibiotic treatment. However, some dogs may have a sensitivity to lactose in kefir, which can lead to vomiting or digestive upset.

Kefir for Cats

In small amounts, kefir can be beneficial for cats, particularly for digestive issues. The probiotics in kefir help maintain a healthy gut flora. However, cats are more prone to lactose intolerance, and consuming kefir may cause vomiting, digestive disturbances, or dehydration symptoms.

What to Do If Your Pet Consumes Kefir?

Monitor your dog or cat closely. If you notice vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, consult a veterinarian immediately.