
The product is not dangerous for dogs and cats, but it can be harmful in large quantities

Raspberries for Dogs

Raspberries are safe for dogs and can be a tasty treat. They contain antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and other beneficial substances that help maintain the health of the immune system and digestion. Raspberries also have a low sugar content compared to other fruits, making them a good choice for dogs with sensitive digestion or a tendency to gain weight.

However, raspberries contain a small amount of xylitol, which in large doses can be harmful to dogs. Therefore, raspberries should be given in small quantities to avoid health problems. It is best to give fresh raspberries, thoroughly washed before consumption.

Raspberries for Cats

Raspberries are also safe for cats and can be offered as a treat. They contain vitamins and antioxidants that can be beneficial for the cat's health. However, like with other fruits, raspberries are not a necessary part of a cat's diet. Cats are carnivorous animals, and their main diet should include meat products.

Raspberries should be given to cats in very small amounts, as excess fruits and sugar can cause digestive disorders. Additionally, raspberries contain a small amount of xylitol, making them safe only in limited quantities. Cats can be given raspberries as a small treat, but they should not replace the main components of nutrition.