
The product is not dangerous for dogs and cats, but requires caution in use

Mandarins for Dogs

Mandarins are safe for dogs when given in small quantities. They contain vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which can be beneficial for a dog's health. However, mandarins also contain a lot of sugar, and excessive consumption can cause digestive issues, including diarrhea and bloating. The peel of mandarins should be removed, as it can be too tough to digest and may contain pesticides.

Mandarins should be given to dogs in very limited amounts to avoid health problems. It is best to use them as an occasional treat and ensure that the dog does not eat the seeds, which can cause stomach issues.

Mandarins for Cats

Mandarins are also safe for cats but are not a necessary part of their diet. Cats do not require vitamin C from external sources, as their bodies can synthesize it on their own. The high sugar content in mandarins can negatively affect a cat's health, leading to weight and digestive issues. Additionally, citrus fruits can have an irritating taste and smell for cats, making them unappealing.

If a cat shows interest in mandarins, they can be offered in very small quantities, removing the peel and seeds. However, mandarins should not be part of a cat's main diet, as their bodies primarily require meat-based nutrition.

If your pet accidentally consumes a large amount of mandarins and you notice symptoms of digestive upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea, contact a veterinarian for assistance.