
Particularly Dangerous and Harmful for Dogs and Cats

Avocado for Dogs

Avocado can be dangerous for dogs because it contains a toxic substance called persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Although dogs are less sensitive to persin than other animals, consuming large amounts of avocado or its parts, such as the peel and pit, can lead to health problems. The avocado pit also poses a choking hazard or can cause intestinal blockage.

If your dog has eaten avocado, contact a veterinarian, especially if they show symptoms of poisoning. A veterinarian can provide treatment recommendations and assess the risk to your dog's health.

Avocado for Cats

Avocado is also harmful to cats, as it contains persin, which can cause digestive problems. Cats are more sensitive to toxins than dogs, and consuming avocado can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. The peel and pit of the avocado are particularly dangerous, as they can cause choking or intestinal blockage.

If your cat has eaten avocado, contact a veterinarian. Prompt assistance can help avoid complications and improve your cat's health condition.