News and Articles from Shunn u Katun

🦠 Canine Parvoviral Gastroenteritis. PART 1 - Origins and Symptoms

Did you know that parvoviral gastroenteritis is a dangerous disease that can pose a serious threat to your pet? 🤔
Let's explore its origins and symptoms so that you are prepared to take action if necessary.
🔍 Origins: Canine parvoviral gastroenteritis is caused by the parvovirus, which is highly contagious and can be transmitted through contact with infected animals or their feces. The virus can survive in the environment for a long time, making it easy to spread. An animal can become infected through contact with objects that have fallen to the ground, from your shoes, or even clothing.
🤒 Symptoms: Dogs with parvoviral gastroenteritis may exhibit the following symptoms:
🤢 Vomiting

💩 Bloody diarrhea

😔 Lethargy

🍽 Loss of appetite

🌡 High fever
If you notice any of these signs in your pet, contact a veterinarian immediately! It is crucial to start treatment as early as possible to increase the chances of recovery.
⚠️ Prevention: The best way to prevent parvoviral gastroenteritis is by vaccinating your pet. Vaccination provides immunity and protection against this dangerous virus.
💡 Knowing the main symptoms and origins of parvoviral gastroenteritis will help you keep your pet healthy. Stay vigilant and take care of your furry friend! If you have any questions or notice suspicious symptoms in your dog, don't hesitate to contact our specialists at the clinic. Together, we'll do everything we can for their health! 🐾💕